Transform the output of sourmash taxonomy annotate into a taxmap metacoder object
Transform the output of sourmash taxonomy annotate into a taxmap metacoder object
taxonomy_annotate_df = NULL,
file = NULL,
intersect_bp_threshold = 50000,
tax_glom_level = NULL,
groups = NULL,
groups_prefix = "x",
class_key = NULL,
class_regex = NULL
- taxonomy_annotate_df
Data frame containing outputs from sourmash taxonomy annotate. If specified, file is ignored. Can contain results from one or many runs of sourmash taxonomy annotate.
- file
Path to CSV file or files output by sourmash taxonomy annotate.
- intersect_bp_threshold
Integer. Gather matches must have an intersect_bp greater than or equal to this value.
- tax_glom_level
Character. NULL by default, meaning no agglomeration is done. Valid options are "domain", "phylum", "class", "order", "family", "genus", and "species". When a valid option is supplied, k-mer counts are agglomerated to that level before metacoder object is created.
- groups
A data frame with distinct query_name values from taxonomy_annotate_df in the first column and query groups in the second column.
- groups_prefix
Character. Ignored if groups is defined. Used to prefix query_name values for the metacoder function calc_n_samples().
- class_key
Character. class_key to use to build metacoder object. See metacoder documentation for more information. Ignored if you used pre-built sourmash GenBank or GTDB databases when running sourmash.
- class_regex
Character. class_regex to use to build metacoder object. See metacoder documentation for more information. Ignored if you used pre-built sourmash GenBank or GTDB databases when running sourmash.