Transform a taxonomy annotate data frame into an upset plot compliant data frame
`from_taxonomy_annotate_to_upset_inputs()` transforms a data frame with produced using read_taxonomy_annotate on many results produced by sourmash taxonomy annotate into a upset-compliant data frame. The function can optionally agglomerate to different levels of taxonomic rank (e.g. phylum) and then produce the upset compliant data frame after agglomeration.
- taxonomy_annotate_df
Data frame containing outputs from sourmash taxonomy annotate. Can contain results from one or many runs of sourmash taxonomy annotate. Agglomeration occurs within each query.
- tax_glom_level
Optional character string specifying the taxonomic rank to agglomerate k-mer counts. Must be one of "domain", "phylum", "class", "order", "family", "genus", "species."