Gut microbiome sourmash signatures data frame
Sourmash sketches from six stool microbiome shotgun metagenome samples parsed into a data frame.
## `gut_signatures_df` A data frame with 15,339 rows and 16 columns:
- class
Character. Class of the sketch.
Character. Email recorded in the sketch.
- hash_function
Character. Hash function used for the sketch.
- filename
Character. Name of the file that was sketched.
- name
Character. Name of the sketch.
- license
Character. License for the sketch.
- num
Integer. Number of hashes specified to be in the sketch.
- ksize
Integer. K-mer size represented in the sketch.
- seed
Integer. Seed for the hash function.
- max_hash
Numeric. Maximum hash.
- scaled
Numeric. Scaled value for the sketch.
- mins
Numeric. MinHash, or hash, that represents each k-mer sketched from the sample.
- md5sum
Character. MD5 hash for the sketch.
- abundances
Integer. Abundance of hash in sample.
- molecule
Character. Molecule type represented by sketch.
- version
Numeric. Sketch version.