Visualize an upset plot of taxonomic lineage intersections between samples
`plot_taxonomy_annotate_upset()` produces a ComplexUpset plot displaying the intersection of taxonomic lineages observed in many samples. The bar chart that displays the intersection size between samples can optionally be colored by taxonomy lineage (e.g. phylum).
- upset_inputs
List of inputs produced by from_taxonomy_annotate_to_upset_inputs().
- fill
Optional argument specifying which level of taxonomy to fill the upset plot intersections with. Only levels above upset_inputs$tax_glom_level are valid. Uses the Set2 palette so cannot visualize more than 8 levels.
- palette
An optional character vector specifying the color palette to use. Ignored if fill is not set. Defaults to the colors in RColorBrewer Set2.
- ...
Arguments passed to ComplexUpset::upset().